Why does your previously injured knee continue to have new injuries?

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Why does your previously injured and repaired knee continue to have new injuries?

If you had a knee injury previously that was repaired, it is likely it can happen again according to years of data.   The medical community does not know why however, the idea that you can super rehabilitate it by doing months of therapy and exercises to the knee must be questioned.

Conventional wisdom dictates that when a cruciate ligament in the knee is repaired and rehabbed, it should be fine for future sports however, many people who have had these repairs continue to have injuries to the same knee later on, or to the other knee or to the back or the foot or the ankle.

Perhaps, the problem is the conventional point of view believes that the knee functions independently of the other joints in the body including the foot, hip core, and pelvis.

If you look at the body, and how it integrates to allow movement in joints such as the knee, you begin to realize that the knee is part of a series of events that happen from the ground up.   The knee is just a conduit of force.

Of there are problems in the ankle or foot, these same problems will affect the hip.  When the hip and the foot or ankle are restricted by tight fascia and fibrosis, it exerts forces on the knee that are abnormal.   Asymmetry of a person’s gait style will affect the pelvis resulting in a torqued core.  This will also load the knees.

Essentially, this adaptation which also includes neuroplasticity which is how the brain memorizes movement will also affect the knee.

In a recent article in the NY Times, they discuss the phenomenon of knees that have been repaired that are more prone to injury, even years after the injury was repaired.  Is it possible the medical profession is seeing body mechanics the wrong way?

To fully appreciate why knee injuries occur, you must understand body mechanics and understand how to evaluate how we move, not just the anatomy of the knee.  Perhaps, this is the reason that after years of repairing injuries, medical science still fails to understand why knee injuries are occurring after they were repaired.  Maybe, they need to speak to a chiropractor who specializes in sports injuries after the surgery.  Someone should evaluate your body, and begin with your gait and the chiropractic sport physicians are uniquely educated and qualified to do this type of analysis.

Should you be wary of returning to sports after a knee injury?  Ask a chiropractor; you may be very surprised to find out why your knee continues to have problems and how knee problems are a movement issue, not just a knee problem.

Check out the recent NY Times article

After a Knee Injury, Be Wary When Returning to Sports

Athletes who pass return-to-play tests after an A.C.L. injury remain just as likely to experience a subsequent knee injury as those who fail the tests.

By Gretchen Reynolds
April 24, 2019

Athletes who have torn an anterior cruciate knee ligament often rely on elaborate batteries of physical tests to tell them if and when they are ready to return to competitive sports. But a new review of studies of athletes and A.C.L. injuries raises serious concerns about the reliability of these return-to-play tests.

The review finds that athletes who pass the tests remain just as likely as those who fail to experience a subsequent knee injury once they return to sports. And surprisingly, their chance of tearing the A.C.L. in their uninjured knee rises by a stunning 235 percent.

Tearing an A.C.L., the skinny band of tissue that connects the femur to the tibia inside the knee, is common, especially in sports like football, soccer, basketball and skiing that involve leaping, contact and twisting. About 200,000 American athletes tear an A.C.L. most years.

For a variety of biological reasons, a torn A.C.L. cannot heal, and while knees will function without an intact A.C.L., they are less stable. So, most injured athletes undergo surgery to create and insert a new A.C.L. from tissues removed from elsewhere in the leg.

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