Use it or lose it; insurance plans are likely to change next year. Be sure you use your benefits now. Many of you have insurance plans that are going to change next year, with possibly a higher deductible, or perhaps a high deductible you will again have to meet. If you have not been in for a while but have some problems left unresolved, it is a good idea to take advantage of the fact that you have visits left, or perhaps have already met this years deductible. Right now is the best time to get the care you need, as most plans are on an annual basis and reset again at the first of the year. We are also here to help you figure out any changes in your plan for next year. If you know of the plan that your employer or perhaps, the obamacare plan that you have recently signed on to, we can help you understand your chiropractic benefits now. Simply call our office or give the new information to our staff. We will call to verify the new insurance plans and let you know your benefits for the new year.