Sugar is bad for us, so why is the sugar in fruits good for us.

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Image by Emmerich Jörg Herrich from Pixabay

When I grew up, drinks such as orange juice and many other juices were common and were thought to be healthy natural ways to get our nutrition. Juices were sweet and laden with sugar.

If you read the back of a Tropicana orange Juice container, you may find out that only a small amount of the drink is orange juice. Some of these store-bought orange juices are freshly squeezed while others are said to be not from concentrate and to be pasteurized for our protection.

Nothing beats fresh squeezed orange juice for taste and flavor.

Apple cider is from fresh apples and is also thought to be good for us and can be very sweet.

When we were young, we all consumed fruit juiced from cans or packages and many years later, diseases due to sugar consumption such as diabetes proliferate along with our weight.

Sugar in high quantities is bad for us, and can cause insulin resistance and change the gut biome from something more healthy to something that may be responsible for many of the diseases later in life people endure.

Image by Robert Lens from Pixabay

Whole fruits are Mother Nature’s packaging and are a safe alternative to juices.

Fruits have their juices surrounded by the fiber in the fruit which is good for us because the fiber reduces the amount of sugar that enters our systems when we eat fruit. Unlike juices, which have the fiber and cell walls broken down, whole fruits slow the absorption of sugar and our gut and other gut biome process food better during digestion than whole fruits.

Juicing can be great if you limit the sweets

Fruits such as papaya and pineapple have very high amounts of sugar in them, however, encased in their natural fibers, they are great for us. Juicing is often a great way to get the vitamins and minerals from vegetables and by adding some sweet fruits, these drinks taste better but all you need is a small amount of sweet fruits in your drink to add the flavor. One of my favorites to include is beets. Apples and pineapple are good too but a little can go a long way.

A recent blog post I came across explains why free sugars are bad but encased sugars are good for us. Check the post out below