Are you suffering from leaky gut syndrome?

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Are you suffering from leaky gut syndrome?

Bad skin, sore joints, and stomach sensitivities are just some of the symptoms associated with leaky gut syndrome.  This combined with weight gain and feeling tired all the time can mean that your inflammation levels are high due to problems in the way your gut is working. Scientists now understand that inflammation and many autoimmune and even cardiovascular events are closely linked.

Our gut filters and absorbs food.  Over time, food sensitivities, the types of foods we eat, and other activities of life can cause the gut to allow in more substances into the blood than are appropriate.  This is referred to as a leaky gut. As the inflammation worsens,  the permeability in the gut increases causing more inflammation.   The result is more sensitivities to more foods, gas, pain, and more inflammation.

A number of years ago I went on a leaky gut diet for about 9 months.   It was a high protein diet that eliminated foods we determined I was sensitive which were diagnosed through an ALCAT test for food sensitivities.   The process was to exercise, stay away from irritating food, and after six months, you can slowly reintroduce some of the foods back into my diet. I also fasted once every three months for a few days surviving on a glucose solution made with maple syrup which I needed for energy.

The result was more energy and lower body weight which unlike most diets stayed off.   I improved the types of foods I ate which also improved the symbiotic flora that exists in my gut and reduced the types of stomach upsets I would experience.

Many of us are having symptoms from the leaky gut which result in inflammatory diseases such as autoimmune disease, and are never evaluated for the condition.  The common approach of sending someone to a rheumatologist appointment and then having them on side effects producing medication for life should be questioned if you are diagnosed with any inflammatory or intractable skin problem that has not resolved.

Check out these interesting articles on seven common symptoms that are related to leaky gut.

7 Silent Signs You Have Leaky Gut Syndrome

You don’t have to feel lousy all the time or suffer stomach upset after every meal. Leaky gut syndrome may have subtle symptoms, but here’s how to spot the warning signs.

Almost exactly what it sounds like, says David Edelberg, MD, medical director of WholeHealth Chicago. Your gut is naturally porous—that’s how your body absorbs nutrients through the intestinal lining. But should the lining become damaged, larger molecules (called macromolecules) can escape the digestive tract and enter your bloodstream.

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