Stop taking that aspirin a day according to a recent Harvard University study.

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Stop taking that aspirin a day according to a recent Harvard University study.

Our blog reported last year that people should stop taking aspirin a day for heart health.

Our blog stated in September 2018 that three studies in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that there was no benefit of taking an aspirin a day for people over 70 years of age.   This information was published in the NY Times.

The thought that baby aspirin should be taken was based on its action as a mild blood thinner which was thought to reduce the risk of a cardiac event or stroke in most people.   Unfortunately, for many, it also caused gastrointestinal upset as a side effect.   Aspirin is not a vitamin or nutrient, and it is not a food.  It is, however, a drug.

Doctors are continuing to recommend the regimen of A daily low-dose aspirin for people who have already had a heart attack or stroke and for those diagnosed with heart disease. It is likely a matter of time before this practice is also questioned based on its ability to safely reduce future risk of a vascular or cardiac event.

Millions of adults have been taking an aspirin a day for its health benefits but the recent Harvard study is now changing the recommendations from the American Heart Society and the American College of Cardiology.

The newest recommendations are as follows

—People over 70 who don’t have heart disease — or are younger but at increased risk of bleeding

— should avoid daily aspirin for prevention.

—Only certain 40- to 70-year-olds who don’t already have heart disease are at high enough risk to warrant 75 to 100 milligrams of aspirin daily, and that’s for a doctor to decide.

They have not changed their recommendations for heart attack survivors.

Check out the full release from AP news

Study: Millions should stop taking aspirin for heart health


Millions of people who take aspirin to prevent a heart attack may need to rethink the pill-popping, Harvard researchers reported Monday.

A daily low-dose aspirin is recommended for people who have already had a heart attack or stroke and for those diagnosed with heart disease.

But for the otherwise healthy, that advice has been overturned. Guidelines released this year ruled out routine aspirin use for many older adults who don’t already have heart disease — and said it’s only for certain younger people under doctor’s orders.

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