Anyone watching network television or streaming has been inundated with drug ads on television. During prime time day and evening, it seems like almost all the ads are for drugs including some for your pets. The drug industry builds their costs for these ads into our prices for drugs, which is probably one of the reasons we pay so much for drugs in the USA. Drug advertising is also paying for your right to watch television without paying a huge fee; drug ads supplement the cost of network programming. Like it or not, these costs are being built into the prescription drugs we regularly use and are part of the problem of drug prices. Like it or not, we are subsidizing network television with the drugs we take, regardless of whether these commercials have any benefit to us and our health. Americans take more drugs than any other country and are not the healthiest. Drugs often have side effects and patients are sometimes hospitalized due to the drugs they take and their effects at great cost to all of us. While nobody gets anything for free, the truth is, that the huge amounts we spend on healthcare, drugs, and such are not making us healthier or live our best lives in our later years. Drug advertising keeps television networks alive and we will be paying more to watch television if the advertising goes away. On the other hand, a healthier public costs less overall to society than an overreliance on drugs that is unhealthy. Of course, there is also the drug lobby which will not go down without a fight. The NY Times recently covered the idea that RFK Jr. wants to eliminate the advertising that is good for our health. Find out what they had to say below Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Wants to Ban Drug Ads on TV. It Wouldn’t Be Easy.