What is Graston Technique and IASTM? Graston Technique, otherwise known as instrument-assisted soft tissue treatment (IASTM), was developed to aid in the treatment of patients who are experiencing pain and loss of function as a result of injury, cumulative stress disorders, and following some surgical procedures. The procedure is currently being used by many university athletic and professional sports teams in the treatment and prevention of athletic injuries and is also used in the management of work-related injuries. How does Graston Technique and IASTM work? The Technique enables the doctor (clinician) to effectively break down adhesions and scar tissue that forms between muscle fibers. The technique makes use of scientifically designed stainless steel instruments that detect and treat tissue restrictions that result in pain and dysfunction. In our offices, the Graston Technique is employed in combination with Myofascial Release Treatment for the best result. Ultimately, it is the thought process, rather than the procedure that will yield the best results, since Graston is just a tool to get the job done. It is very effective in treating problems in tendons and more fibrous tissues, and in reducing the pain from myofascial adhesion which can adversely affect muscular function. In 2008, the Graston Technique was referred to as the “pain eraser” by local television stations because of the ability to reduce chronic pain. Learn more, Get Help! Now that you have learned a bit about the Graston Technique, it’s time to see a doctor who will know if this type of treatment is best for you. One that will be able to identify areas of restriction, break up scar tissue while relieving pain and increasing function. At Charschan Chiropractic we can do just that. If you would like to schedule an appointment so we can start to get your pain and healing on the right path, get in touch with Charschan Chiropractic. We will be happy to help you. We have two convenient locations: North Brunswick, NJ, and Scotch Plains, NJ.