Ooh Eee Ooh Aah Aah. Why you should visit a chiropractor first for painful episodes in any joints.

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For those of us who are baby boomers, Ooh Eee, Ooh Aah Aah Ting Tang Walla Walla, Ting Tang was a line in the song The Witch Doctor made famous by David Seville and Alvin and the Chipmunks when I was young. If you are younger and have never heard the novelty song, It is fun to listen to and I played the record endlessly. Watch the video and hear this comical song using this link.

Ooh Eee Ooh Aah Aah is also a patient’s sound when they hurt. Watch anyone who is in horrible pain in their back get off the couch after sitting or trying to get out of bed and you will know what I mean.

During acute pain episodes, rational thinking is replaced by panic if the problem doesn’t self-resolve. Being unable to get out of bed with a painful back is more than an inconvenience. Waking up with a painful and stiff neck is also a major inconvenience as is reaching for something and having intense shoulder, elbow, or wrist pain.

We have been taught to take an Advil or try to stretch it out or work it out and often, this may help us function better somewhat, but what is causing the pain? Is pain the symptom, the problem, or maybe when we are in agonizing pain that prevents us from sleeping, a combination of both?

My typical Sunday emergency is often a long-standing problem that can be time-consuming to properly diagnose and treat. I was trained in chiropractic college and have years of experience in performing a deep history and a thorough evaluation to understand the problem you are experiencing. This is called being holistic.

Who you visit first in the healthcare system will determine your results, costs, risks, and results during your healthcare journey.

For some, cost or coverage with insurance, large deductibles, and plan participation often determine what method you choose initially which can result in appropriate treatment. Delayed care of the problem results in more inflammation and chronicity. Sometimes the pain is a medical emergency requiring an ER visit, but a chiropractic visit can help you avoid this. This is your body and a poor choice during the painful problem can be harmful years later affecting everything you do. Choose wisely.

Most people do not understand that we all adapt as discussed in my book Cheating Mother Nature, What you need to know to beat chronic pain.

Many of us have not adapted well and have learned to manage the problem with





Therapies of different types to different parts of our anatomy

Orthopedic visits.

Urgent care cocktails of muscle relaxers, pain killers and an occasional opioid


The common theme here is that we are attempting to manage a problem as it becomes more chronic but what is the problem; the pain or the mechanism behind it?

When you are experiencing horrible pain, panic is usually the first thing many of us experience when pain does not self-resolve. Even with the appropriate care, inflammation often continues over a few days after the painful episode which is why it is unrealistic to believe that one chiropractic visit on a Sunday, or any day for that matter will resolve your problem. This is the best motivation for making the right choice first to avoid a chronic condition that will return over and over again.

I am often asked; What should I take for the pain? Taking Advil, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory has been shown to relieve pain but also affects joint healing and offers a false sense of security, as you feel better. There are other more natural pain relieving options that improve recovery we can recommend too. The mechanism that caused the pain may, later on, affect your feet, ankles, neck, shoulders, or other parts of the body, and these problems may not be immediately symptomatic.

When a patient is in acute pain, a chiropractic visit begins with a thorough history of current and past problems. We then do a thorough functional exam, showing you everything behind why you hurt which can be anything from

An old problem

An acute injury

A foot problem

Years of poor adaptations

Old sports injuries not properly cared for

An old automobile injury

A C-section or other type of abdominal scar.

A problem that requires medical attention.

Most visits to our offices include a combination of many of the above-listed situations. Body mechanics affect how you move and feel. The self-management methods you have relied on for years may no longer relieve pain and stiffness and you may benefit from a chiropractor.

Acute pain often results when mechanical dysfunction in the body. Inflammation occurs from damage to the painful area. Sometimes there is an acute injury from lifting or grabbing something in an awkward position. Your chiropractor may look at how you stand and offer a better explanation based on what they see and share this information with you during your visit. Not everyone is ready to hear that their body mechanics led them to the injury so easily. As I often say, De Nile is not just in the Middle East :).

Looking past the problems and understanding why you hurt may look different than you envisioned from your expectations. We look for not only where you hurt, but why and will explain it simply and confidently. It is not unusual for a patient to visit with one or two complaints and leave with many other complaints resolved by solving the reason behind the pain rather than just the symptom.

Our office uses a primary care approach to why you hurt. While some patients improve markedly over a day or so, their chronic problems are still present and if not properly rehabilitated, can result in future preventable problems. If you have a problem that continues to return, it is chronic and we must find out why for your long term health and benefit.

Chiropractors teach exercises, use manipulation of the spine and extremities, and myofascial treatments to improve how you move and feel.

Sometimes we may take an x-ray to evaluate longstanding problems. Other times we may suggest a foot orthotic to level your hips to reduce the inflammation and to improve how you move and feel.

Pain is usually a movement problem according to the latest science. Chiropractors improve how you move. Moving better reduces joint wear and damage over time. Young patients often improve faster than older patients but all age groups benefit from chiropractic care. Chiropractors are the healthcare system’s body mechanics.

Improving movement can prevent back and neck pain, plantar fasciitis, shoulder damage, elbow pain, wrist or thumb pain, and even neuromas in the feet.

Who should you call first for acute or chronic pain? The choice is naturally chiropractic. Book online today. Allow us to help.