Why does New Jersey have the highest Autism Spectrum Disorder rates in the USA?

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Why does New Jersey have the highest Autism Spectrum Disorder rates in the USA?

According to a recent article by Fox News, a recent report that studied Autism spectrum rates from 2010-2014 shows an increase of 40 percent.  The study published by the CDC on four-year-old children concluded that New Jersey had the highest percentage of children with developmental disabilities, which causes significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges.

Autism spectrum disorders is a challenge not only for the child but for the parents and the school systems as well which expend thousands of dollars in resources to help these children.  Being a parent of a highly functioning autism spectrum child, I have experienced many of these costs as well as the time and emotional costs as well.

There are many theories of why NJ has more Autism diagnoses children including the fact that we expend more resources to diagnose and treat them.  NJ also has a very strict vaccination law however, the idea that vaccinations and autism cause and effect are linked has been shown not to exist.  On the other hand, NJ children are exposed to an aggressive vaccination schedule early on which has never been fully studied.

According to the site Vactruth.com, since 1950 through 2013, there is an increase of 414% of the amount of vaccinations children have today as compared to then. While science is showing us that vaccination is safe for the masses, not all vaccinations are essential and as a healthcare consumer, when a new vaccine comes to market, you should do your own due diligence on the product.  A few years ago, Lymerix, a vaccine for Lyme disease was removed from the marketplace due to many disastrous outcomes, which is why you must be an informed healthcare consumer.

There is evidence that many people with Autism Spectrum Disorder may have a genetic variant that is responsible for it.

Are we just getting better at diagnosing it?  Are the suspicions about vaccinations in masse well-founded or do they just happen to correlate with the fact that we are diagnosing the disorder early on?

There are more questions than answers here.  Read the article below

New Jersey autism rate soaring compared to other states in CDC study

New Jersey has seen an increased rate of autism in preschool-age children over the past four years compared to children in other states, according to a study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Thursday.

The percentage of four-year-olds in New Jersey with autism spectrum disorder increased by 40 percent between 2010 and 2014, the report said. The study concluded that New Jersey had the highest percentage of children with developmental disabilities, which causes significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges.

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