Is it possible to farm with little or no water? Cnet explores dry farming in NJ. The future of farming may exist in a warehouse in NJ. The art of dry farming is being developed in NJ. Bowery Farming is located in an industrial park just outside of Newark Airport. Imagine growing food all year round, not needing pesticides, and using 95% less water than conventional farming. The idea for this is based on the fact that there are more droughts than ever before and as the planet heats up, we may need to figure out other ways to reliably grow food. Check out this year-round operation that is succeeding in growing healthy food without worrying about variations in weather. This vertical farm could be the answer to a future without water In a massive warehouse in New Jersey, Bowery Farming is trying to change the future of agriculture (all while using 90% less water). Claire Reilly July 7, 2020 You wouldn’t expect to find a farm in an industrial park in the middle of New Jersey. Specifically, you wouldn’t expect to find a farm down the road from Newark Airport, where it’s 100 degrees in the shade and the scenery consists of trucks and parking lots. But I haven’t come here to find a bucolic green field, I’ve come here to learn about the future of farming. Inside a nondescript warehouse, behind locked doors and accessible through a decontamination room, is the headquarters of Bowery Farming. This is 21st-century farming, and it looks nothing like the wide-open field your grandparents worked in. But while it might seem clinical, this facility is promising a solution to the biggest threats facing our agriculture industry. In an era of overpopulation, changing climate and ever-tightening water restrictions, this farm delivers certainty. Shelf-ready food grown year-round, regardless of weather, without pesticides, and all while using 95% less water. Read moreĀ