Dec 25 2014 Exercising to lose weight? The NY Times says staying warm can help you succeed in your weight loss goal.
Nov 29 2014 The surgical placebo effect; pills are not the only things to fool our minds through the placebo phenomenon
Oct 9 2014 Placebo effect, it is not just present in the use of medications but in medical procedures too says the NY Times
Oct 9 2014 New study suggests that young children need exercise for optimal brain function and development
Jul 24 2014 Starve a doctor and pay more for less effective and wasteful healthcare. Check out this NY Times op-ed piece.
Jul 23 2014 Run faster by swinging your arms more efficiently says the NY Times; Three tips to help you run more efficiently.
Jul 15 2014 Are we killing off the microbes that help keep us healthy? Check out this NY Times article