Sep 21 2016 Can the antibiotics crisis be solved with ancient remedies? Check out this NY Times article.
Sep 12 2016 Weight loss surgery; before investing thousands on expensive and risky surgeries, do this first according to the NY Times
Aug 30 2016 The EpiPen scandal, another problem when capitalism meets healthcare and a monopoly exists.
Aug 26 2016 A cardiologist recommends a high fat diet and goes against convention according to the NY Times.
Aug 13 2016 Critics have recently denounced cupping, yet some of those same critics recommend useless surgeries. Check this out from the NY Times.
Aug 11 2016 Proof that market forces, rather than insurance companies may be a viable way to reduce healthcare costs.
Jul 30 2016 Chronic fatigue syndrome and your gut; The NY Times shows a connection between gut health and the way we feel.
Jul 11 2016 Childhood obesity and future health issues; what the NY Times reveals about a problem we can often prevent.