Aug 18 2017 There are physiological differences in 70 and 90 year olds; why one size fits all doesn’t according to this doctor.
Aug 15 2017 Is health insurance an extended warranty on the human body? Apparently this insurance CEO thinks so which illustrates the problem.
Jan 24 2017 A medical community in crisis over Opioids and patient choices for resolution and relief, was Opioids merely a symptom?
Jun 28 2016 A new study suggest that spending up to 30 minutes with a GP is more cost effective than many prescriptive drugs.
Mar 29 2016 Star trek style medicine is here, with a new Israeli technology that can change everything about how surgery is performed.
Oct 6 2015 NPR wonders why we would shop for a couch but are willing to pay an outrageous price for a medical service.
Jan 13 2015 The future of medicine in the palm of your hand; how your smartphone will reform healthcare.