Oct 6 2015 NPR wonders why we would shop for a couch but are willing to pay an outrageous price for a medical service.
May 19 2015 One strategy to overpriced hospital bills that is paying off; Don’t pay. Check out this Washington Post article
Mar 28 2015 A new healthcare company says that it’s primary care model can actually lower healthcare costs according to the NY Times
Mar 22 2015 Do it yourself healthcare; south by southwest offers a glimpse into our healthcare future
Sep 2 2014 Obamacare is driving the price of surgery higher says NBC news; Check out their article here.
Jul 24 2014 Starve a doctor and pay more for less effective and wasteful healthcare. Check out this NY Times op-ed piece.
Jun 15 2014 Can paying doctors more cut the overall cost of healthcare; one doctors perspective and comments from the healthcare battlefield.