Jan 21 2020 Administrative costs Appaloosa; Time Magazine uncovers why we spend so much more than Canada for healthcare administrative costs.
Dec 2 2019 High hospital prices in California are going to trial. Medical practice reform is needed now, and here’s how to fix it.
Apr 4 2019 Is healthcare in the USA expensive? American’s borrowed 88 billion last year to pay their medical tab.
Dec 3 2018 Canada’s healthcare system may teach us about how to make healthcare affordable for all of us.
Sep 18 2018 The NY Times asks why it is so hard for doctors to unlearn things. Is the lack of unlearning driving healthcare costs?
Nov 9 2017 Warren Buffet weighs in on what is stagnating our economy in the USA and throws healthcare under the bus.
Aug 15 2017 Is health insurance an extended warranty on the human body? Apparently this insurance CEO thinks so which illustrates the problem.