Jan 25 2015 The likelihood of having surgery if you see a chiropractor first for a workers compensation back injury
Jan 24 2015 Over treatment of headaches racking up unnecessary costs; there is a safer and better way.
Jan 20 2015 Surgery or conservative chiropractic care for leg pain due to a disc herniation; which is a better option?
Jan 8 2015 Vertigo, dizziness and balance problems improve following chiropractic office visits; here’s why.
Dec 12 2014 Studies show older chiropractic patients have a lower risk of a traumatic injury after the visit when compared to primary care visits for a similar condition
Nov 18 2014 Custom Vs. off the shelf foot orthotics, which should you buy for the best relief of back and neck pain?
Nov 14 2014 Repeated ankle sprains and instability; A new study shows chiropractic manipulation + rehabilition is superior to just rehabilitation alone
Nov 4 2014 Older Americans are at a higher risk of falling says the NY Times, yet there are things you can do about the growing risk.