Feb 14 2018 Neck and shoulder pain that is worsening for no particular reason; what did these two women have in common?
Jan 31 2018 Jamie Dimon, Warren Buffet and Jeff Bezos want to reform healthcare; other than cost, do they understand the problem?
Jan 23 2018 Clarence Clemens of the E Street band; were his physical problems before he died a result of bad medicine?
Jan 2 2018 Alternative treatments for back pain; over 80 studies and Consumer Reports suggest you see a chiropractor first.
Nov 21 2017 Shoulder impingement surgery is a popular procedure that doesn’t work according to a new study. 3 things you can do now to get relief without surgery.
Oct 10 2017 A new review of drug free approaches to shoulder treatment leaves out an important reason for shoulder pain.
Oct 3 2017 The Opioid epidemic was caused by health insurer’s and the medical system. Chiropractors are part of the solution so why aren’t large insurers making it easier to visit one?
Sep 26 2017 Restless leg syndrome. Consumer Reports offers medical advice but may there be a better treatment?