Mar 20 2018 Back pain, degenerative joints and disc problems; a new study suggests core stabilization is the key to reducing pain and disability, but is it that simple?
Mar 13 2018 Prevent back pain by bending over differently. How do other cultures that have fewer back problems do it according to NPR?
Jan 16 2018 Key Ways To Improve Your Mental Health When You Have Back Pain,, a guest post by Jessica Wilson
Jan 12 2018 Lower back pain of unknown origin and your c section or hernia repair scar; is there a connection?
Nov 13 2017 Is back pain and the brain connected by old injuries and bad developmental movement habits? New studies featured in Psychology Today may offer new clues.
Nov 2 2017 Back pain and neck pain are problems with the way we move. Get better results without the one size fits all solutions we read about in the media.
Oct 25 2017 Improve Your Golf Swing with the Help of These 4 Massage Techniques, a guest post from Chris Foerster
Oct 3 2017 The Opioid epidemic was caused by health insurer’s and the medical system. Chiropractors are part of the solution so why aren’t large insurers making it easier to visit one?