If you have read this blog for a while, you have learned why many shoulder problems involve other parts of the body, most notably the feet and the back. This morning I had a phone call with a potential new patient waiting to have yet another surgery on her shoulder that has never felt better after years and numerous procedures. Upon further questioning, the patient told me about the lower back, the disc problems, and the scoliosis that would never have been discussed had I not asked about her other musculoskeletal history. For most of us, our experience with a painful joint that was not due to trauma included going from doctor to doctor, specialist to specialist, and hoping somebody could help us feel better. Often, the experience over months or years frustratingly does not solve our problems worsening over time as the condition becomes more chronic. This type of phone call happens weekly now in our office with people looking for anyone who can help them. Why you need to consider options complementary to the medical model. Years ago, primary care described doctors who would spend the time to understand you and your history first, and then help you stay out of the system unless they did not have the tools to help diagnose your condition. While many of us fondly remember the kindly doctor visiting us at home years ago, that model is gone. The old-time primary doctor would look at all your systems, however their knowledge of the musculoskeletal system was minimal. This resulted in most patients being sent either to therapy to the painful part or to an orthopedic who looked at where they hurt, took an x-ray, or ordered an MRI with advanced diagnostics to find out what was wrong. This resulted in too many X-rays and tests as this was how health care was practiced back then. While these tests resulted in data, they usually were ordered to green light knee, hip, shoulder, and other procedures proved not to work after 40 years of record keeping. Over time, patients and sometimes their doctors were discovering the value of the chiropractic profession which was making inroads in the Veterans Administration systems by reducing costs and improving how our armed forces could improve without drugs, surgeries, or endless rehabilitation that often failed to work. As part of the medical team, chiropractors improved outcomes, reduced testing, and reduced drug use. Some insurance carriers such as Optum which is part of United Healthcare were publicly bragging about how much money chiropractors were saving the system for back and neck pain alone. Thinking differently by thinking chiropractic first is your best option; here’s why. Chiropractors are taught to think holistically about how things function in the body, They are primary care for the musculoskeletal system. In our office, we are certified in sports injuries and have used this knowledge to help people with foot, knee, back, shoulder, neck, hip, and many other common problems. Many of the patients who visit us have chronic problems that have become acute. Some, like the patient who called us, have suffered for years and their conditions are not only chronic but painful and worsening as they age. Some have spent years doing surgeries that failed to help them feel and function better long-term. Many have spent years at pain management to have nerves burned or numbed to reduce the pain, while they have never been told why they are in pain. Others have a procedure, then a next procedure, and then a next, and are in pain management as a last hope, living off medication to function. You may be reading this and realizing this may even be your experience. This can be avoided by considering chiropractic first. Current studies such as the Annals of Internal Medicine in February of 2017 suggest many painful problems improve with movement. Chiropractors use many of these maneuvers to improve the way you move reducing pain for lower back problems which often result in neck and shoulder problems too. Many surgical procedures or injections to the painful part do not improve how you move, resulting in a more chronic and often degenerative problem as you age. Perhaps this is why if you’ve had one procedure, you will eventually have another and then another as different body dysfunctional body areas that were not previously painful fail. Chiropractors understand that we just need to move and function better. They look for the reason you are hurt by connecting the clues behind why you are in pain. They see X-rays as a tool to understand the history of malfunction. On the initial visit, the doctor will perform a thorough history and examination. They will check your blood pressure and treat you on the first visit. Many patients feel relief in as little as one visit, although resolving the mechanism of a chronic condition takes time. Chiropractors utilize manipulation of the spine and extremities, combined with myofascial release to improve movement. Our office uses treat-test-treat protocols to assess to improve our effectiveness from visit to visit. We select exercises to improve how you move and function specific to your individual needs rather than the mainstream protocoled care typical in most medical thinking and physical therapy offices. Foot orthotics are often recommended if the problem begins in the feet which is common. This improves how you move and function and can often reduce pain as you walk and function better. If the doctor feels that you have a medical problem requiring medical attention the doctor will refer you to the appropriate physician. The good news is that most painful conditions improve with chiropractic care including other conditions such as stomach problems that have been part of musculoskeletal problems rather than medical ones. Seeing the right healthcare provider first reduces chronicity and joint damage. Chiropractors are a one-stop shop for most painful musculoskeletal problems. Need help today? Book online.