Exercises that may help prevent lower back pain according to the NY Times. There are many websites and experts suggesting that if you control the deep core and can better control your core muscles, you are less likely to experience lower back pain. If it only were that easy… The truth is, there are so many factors that can cause lower back pain. The experts usually rely on the same recommendations for everyone such as planks and other maneuvers to strengthen the core. Another truth is we are all different. Some of us are short, tall, heavy, asymmetrical, female, male. I think you get the idea that one size fits all doesn’t although there can be some benefit from these exercises, most recently shared by the NY Times. The question we need to ask ourselves is which exercises are best for your body? The answer will often surprise you when the right healthcare expert holistically evaluates you, your gait, your adaptation, your mechanical efficiencies, and your deficiencies. In the healthcare system, most of us live in a one-size-fits-all world of going from doctor to doctor or therapist as the system passes you around with one-size-fits-all solutions for your symptoms. Back pain is the symptom, but what is your problem? Planks, bridges, pushups, and lower back extensions may all help to a point. What if your lower back problems are caused by a chronic shoulder problem? How would these one-size-fits-all exercises work then? What if your lower core was unstable and it affected your upper body causing chronic stiffness only relieved by exercise? What happens when your very fit body is in excruciating pain after lifting something properly without warning? One emergency I saw the other day who does all these exercises had this happen. She had a very well-developed deep core but the pain in her lower back was caused by a combination of chronic leg and hip tightness and upper back stiffness that loaded the lower back when she lifted something. Many of us have experienced this so what about these exercises and their benefits? Sometimes you need a higher authority to figure this out. Often, that authority is your local sports-certified chiropractor who will look at you and explain how your body works. Sure, those exercises from the NY Times can help reduce the risk of pain somewhat and make sore getting out of your car or a chair is easy, but do they prevent you from having acute back pain episodes? It depends on your understanding of you. Need help why you have lower back pain? Book online here.