Exercise and your gut health; there is a connection according to the NY Times and a new study. New research is suggesting that exercise and gut health are intertwined, and may give us a better understanding of why athletes are often healthier. Most naturopaths and other natural healthcare providers understand that the research indicates that inflammation is the number one risk factor behind many of the diseases people are treated for medicinally. Their approach often includes treating the gut, recommending appropriate dietary changes and reducing inflammation in the body. Often the biome in the gut can make the difference between a healthy gut that works to filter out what should not get in your system and a poorly functioning or leaky gut. Mainstream medicine is just beginning to catch up with these ideas, and big pharma drug companies are researching ways to create drugs that reduce body inflammation, albeit most likely at a higher cost. Compared to eating better and exercising regularly and healing a leaky gut, a healthier and less costly option is one of improving our overall lifestyle which can decrease the likelihood of future diseases and reduce our cardiovascular risks. Exercise can reduce fat cells, improve energy levels and improve our overall health. The NY Times recently suggested that regular exercise helps to improve the quality of the biome in the gut, which can improve our energy levels and reduce overall inflammation. This is based on new research that has been published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. Check the article out below Exercise Alters Our Microbiome. Is That One Reason It’s So Good for Us? By GRETCHEN REYNOLDS JAN. 3, 2018 Exercise may change the composition and activity of the trillions of microbes in our guts in ways that could improve our health and metabolisms over time, a new study finds. The results provide novel insights into how exercise can affect even those portions of our bodies that seem uninvolved in workouts, perhaps providing another nudge to stick with our exercise resolutions this year. I think we all have heard by now that each of us contains a pulsating little universe of bacteria within our guts. This microbiome includes countless different species of microbes in varying proportions that interact, compete and busily release various substances that are implicated in weight control, inflammation, immune responses and many other aspects of health throughout our bodies. Read more