Modified lower back extensions performed on the Roman Chair. These exercises when done as directed will strengthen the lower and mid back as well as the posterior neck muscles. From the position 1 (a), position you hands as shown (b). Slowly, feeling each spinal segment, lift your body. When you reach position 2 (c), move your hands across your chest as shows (d). a b c d Position 1 Position 2 As you continue to extend your back, you will reach neutral position 3 (body perpendicular to the floor) you place your hands behind your neck (f) and bring your neck into full extension (e). You will then slowly descend back down into position 1 and repeat. Begin with 6-8 repetitions and work toward 20-25 in one set. e f Position 3 Exercises for lower back postural muscles (Erector Spinae) These exercises are performed laying down on the floor with a small ball (beach ball e.g..). Lay on back with knees bent, making sure lower back is pressed against floor. Push knees into ball against wall as shown by tensing lower back muscles on side of the ball. Hold sustained contraction for 10 seconds. Increase to 50-60 seconds over a two to three week period. Exercises for abdominal muscles on Roman Chair These exercises are performed with your buttock sitting over the pad on the roman chair and your feet under the rests on the chair. Allow your body to go into as much extension as tolerated (a). Slowly bring your body up until it reaches approximately 60 degrees (b). Then slowly go down to original position (a) again. Repeat initially for 4-6 reps and work toward 20-25 in one set. a b **All exercises above this line to be performed every other day. Core Strengthening Sitting using Universal Gym Abdominal Training with Universal Gym Begin with 10 -20 pounds (weight 1 or 2). Hold Strap against anterior chest 4 inches down from collar bones with feet secured behind cushions as shown in picture. Pull forward and crunch keeping the strap firm on chest against resistance. Start with 6-8 reps and work toward 20. Then go to next weight and begin the same way. Goal is to progress three weight levels from where you began. Position 1 Position 2 Lower Back Training with Universal Gym Begin with 10 -20 pounds (weight 1 or 2). Hold Strap against anterior chest 4 inches down from collar bones facing the back of the bench seat while sitting upright. Pull backward using lower back only keeping the strap firm on chest against resistance. Start with 6-8 reps and work toward 20. Then go to next weight and begin the same way. Goal is to progress three weight levels from where you began. Position 1 Position 2 Advanced Core Strengthening on Roman Chair Posterior central lower back muscles Align yourself so waist is at end of bench. Bend all the way forward and quickly perform 10 lower back extension exercises. Work up toward 40-60 in one set. Position 1 Position 2 Modification for Quadratus and Posterior Rotational Core Muscles Begin the same as the first exercise but when you come up to neutral, hyperextend to the right and to the left. This will strengthen the muscles at your waist as shown. Work up toward 40-60 in one set. Modification for Obliques or Anterior Core Muscles Begin this exercise sitting on the top of the bench, performing a sit up as on the first page. Next, as you come up rotate either right or left to strengthen the muscles. Work up toward 40-60 in one set. **Important Note**As you perform these exercises, you will find it difficult to be able to do both the rotational exercises and the straight up and down ones as your repetitions increase. I recommend doing them all on one day at the beginning and then as your repetitions increase, one day performing rotational exercises and the other day performing the others. Once you reach 50-60 reps, you can perform these periodically but they do not need to be done continuously once your goals have been met.