Bridging – a great way to stabilize the lower back to help prevent lower back problems – 1 video

Bridging – a great way to stabilize the lower back to help prevent lower back problems

One of the best moves patients are instructed to do for their lower back is called a bridge. A bridge is a yoga-based move that is easy to perform and can help you keep your lower back limber. Patients are instructed to perform this as part of their initial lower back rehab regimen. Those that do improve faster and have fewer problems later on. While this is quite effective, it needs to be used in addition to their chiropractic care as well as their other exercises, manipulation as well as preventatively wearing foot orthotics if they were recommended.

Having a strong core could well be part of the solution to decreasing, managing, and even eliminating lower-back pain. All Pilates exercises require you to engage your deep abdominal muscles, specifically your pelvic floor and transverse abdominis. Once you know how to engage and strengthen these two important muscles, you should notice an improvement in how your lower back feels and functions.

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