Chiropractic care lowers costs with improved outcomes compared to medical management of adults according to a recent literature review.

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Chiropractic care costs (1) less according to a recent literature review in the Journal of Chiropractic and Manual Therapies.

People who regularly visit a chiropractor, know that one visit can relieve a painful problem while helping you avoid unnecessary tests and drugs. Studies show patients who are under chiropractic care are unlikely to have taken opioids for pain relief. A recent study shows those who were referred medically to physical therapy are likely to be taking medication prescribed by the referring doctor. The Annals of Internal Medicine in 2017 recommended avoiding medication when treating lower back pain. This type of protocol goes against the best available evidence shared among primary care doctors.

When doctors don’t know they test. This is true of all physicians including chiropractors. Chiropractors understand how to evaluate the musculoskeletal system having a unique understanding of how movement and pain are interrelated. As a result, they order fewer MRI scans than most medical providers which markedly reduces costs since a better and more thorough exam is often much more helpful than a diagnostic test would be.

Visiting a chiropractor is usually simpler with fewer practitioners involved. In most chiropractic physician offices, patients will have a thorough holistic history and musculoskeletal and functional examination. Treatment usually commences the same day.

Since pain and mobility of the musculoskeletal system are mechanical and require a mechanical solution, chiropractors are the most appropriate providers to help patients feel and function better when there are painful malfunctions in the body. They are the body mechanics of the healthcare system.

Adjustment to the spine and extremities combined with exercises and myofascial release reduces pain and improves outcomes quickly for most patients. Exercises are given to rehabilitate the body and retrain poor movement patterns. Unlike the medical system where medication and protocoled treatment regimens often will increase chronicity, making care more costly and less effective. Chiropractic care reduces chronicity by improving how patients feel and function naturally, without the risks associated with medication.

Our chiropractic office offers simple, evidence-based treatment using treat-test-treat protocols to help you feel and function better.

Keep it simple, think chiropractic first. In pain now? Book online today.

  1. Cost of chiropractic versus medical management of adults with spine-related musculoskeletal pain: a systematic review Farabaugh, R., Hawk, C., Taylor, D. et al. Cost of chiropractic versus medical management of adults with spine-related musculoskeletal pain: a systematic review. Chiropr Man Therap 32, 8 (2024).