Apr 3 2018 Should you push through the pain of a sports injury without understanding the problem first?
Mar 27 2018 Plantar fasciitis and foot pain; is it a foot problem or a body mechanics problem? Who should you see first and why?
Mar 20 2018 Back pain, degenerative joints and disc problems; a new study suggests core stabilization is the key to reducing pain and disability, but is it that simple?
Mar 13 2018 Which running 2018 running shoes are best for you? Check out this new guide from Runners World.
Mar 13 2018 Prevent back pain by bending over differently. How do other cultures that have fewer back problems do it according to NPR?
Mar 6 2018 Your clogged ear may be a jaw and eustachian tube problem; so why is your doctor giving you prednisone?