Jun 30 2020 Do we live longer because of medical technology, or did our ancestors have a similar lifespan?
Jun 30 2020 Norway has opened their gyms and Covid19 where the virus is declining without a rise in infections. Gyms may be safer than we thought.
Jun 23 2020 The positive consequences of exercise; what a single exercise session does to your body according to the NY Times
Jun 11 2020 Vitamin D may be a key ingredient your body needs to recover from Covid19 according to USA Today.
Jun 4 2020 Do you need to be running with a mask? Social pressure and local ordinances may say yes but what does the science say?
Jun 4 2020 Becoming ill from Covid19 may be determined by the dosage you get from someone else according to the NY Times.
May 28 2020 Too much sitting when working from home? Here are some exercises courtesy of CNN that may help.
May 23 2020 Plastic and our health; Consumer Reports weighs in on how we eat plastic and things you can do to avoid it.
May 23 2020 Parkinson’s disease; Growing evidence suggests it may begin in the gut which may offer a way to effectively treat it.