Nov 13 2014 Is treadmill running as effective for conditioning as outdoor running?: Time magazine answers this frequently asked question
Nov 12 2014 Chiropractic can relieve headaches as well or better than many medications says a new study.
Nov 4 2014 Older Americans are at a higher risk of falling says the NY Times, yet there are things you can do about the growing risk.
Nov 1 2014 Training for a race or a marathon while pregnant? You will want to read this NY Times interview.
Oct 22 2014 Neutraceuticals vs. pharmaceuticals vs. over the counter medications; what you need to know.
Oct 21 2014 Can coffee help your liver function better? The NY Times discusses a new study on the benefits of coffee.
Oct 21 2014 Falling leaves, things you need to do to prevent lower back pain from spoiling your fall clean-up.
Oct 9 2014 Placebo effect, it is not just present in the use of medications but in medical procedures too says the NY Times