Apr 12 2015 Statin Myopathy; is your doctor’s cholesterol obsession harming your health, and what is a healthier option?
Apr 7 2015 Tylenol overpromises and under-delivers for back pain and other types of pain say The British Medical Journal
Apr 5 2015 A doctors journey from disease mind set to health guru; a healthy return from the ravages of MS.
Mar 28 2015 A new healthcare company says that it’s primary care model can actually lower healthcare costs according to the NY Times
Mar 28 2015 Cholesterol dogma; the government finally catches up to science and it does not look good for those selling cholesterol lowering drugs.
Mar 26 2015 Vitamin D deficiency and you; more people are deficient than previously thought says a new study.
Mar 22 2015 Do it yourself healthcare; south by southwest offers a glimpse into our healthcare future
Mar 17 2015 EKG’s may not be needed says a new guideline in The Annals of Internal Medicine according to the NY Times