Are common objections to chiropractic care fair in today’s healthcare system?

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I recently came upon a web post that asks the question regarding common objections to chiropractic care. As a practicing chiropractor for close to 40 years, I have watched the profession grow and change markedly.

Research supports what chiropractors do showing the effectiveness, safety, and cost effectiveness. I have watched our profession mature as chiropractic care has become mainstream in the healthcare system both here and internationally.

Roadblocks to chiropractic care remain such as limited inclusion in Medicare, Medicaid and Workers compensation. Many younger people are increasingly using chiropractors for pain relief and improvement in athletic performance and are happy with their results. Many are also willing to pay out of pocket to get the results when their insurance network fails to help them get the right care for their problems.

Yet there are others that still are not using our services even though they would benefit greatly if they did and that makes me sad. A great chiropractor can affect their overall quality of life in many ways the medical system cannot.

People who are in pain are looking for solutions that are safe, effective, and cost-effective too. Chiropractic has checked all these boxes and more.

For those who regularly use our services, they understand the body is not just the sum of its parts and their chiropractic care improves how they move, feel, and function. They understand the idea that they move and feel better from their chiropractic visit(s).

I personally know people who have yet to visit me, yet their problems continue to worsen over time with their medical approaches. I often wish they would allow me to help as they suffer with problems I could often safely and effectively help without the use of drugs, surgeries, expensive tests, and such.

Chiropractors also have a high level of safety as proven by their low malpractice premiums. They will also refer you if they believe a medical provider is needed for your problem. We are trained to do this. In our offices we follow the best medical evidence that is available today to help you feel and function better.

Chiropractors are known for back pain but also help neck pain, arm pain, neuropathies, knee pain and those who are trained to treat sports injuries as I am also know emergency procedures, first aid protocols and even CPR. Chiropractors are often the one stop shop for musculskeletal pain. They can recognize a stroke in progress, will make you aware of other health issues such as high blood pressure too. Chiropractors are primary care for the musculoskeletal system, something that is not offered by other healthcare professions in the standard models of primary medical care.

People seem to trust healthcare providers less and less, as the healthcare experience has become more corporate and less helpful. I have made it my life work to take a primary care approach to their care, that is holistic (thorough) and sees them, rather than just their main complaint.

Patients that allow us to help them often find out the process of chiropractic care is sensible, effective, cost-effective, and safe. They trust us with their health. Some of them have been patients for over 30 years and it is like having old friends come to visit. They also understand that chiropractic care for a chronic problem that is now acute is a process rather than a pain relief fix, which relieves in the short term, but does not improve overall function. They understand that mechanical problems are often solved with manipulation, exercises and myofascial release which takes time. Every patient has a different history and body mechanics. One size fits all care usually fails in musculoskeletal pain, as I have personally observed during my close to 40 year career of helping the public. More than anything, they trust us to do the right thing for them in the safest way possible. Helping the public is a privilege, not a right and we do our best to help our patients.

It is frustrating that so many patients have not considered chiropractic care yet even though it is, for many people safe and effective. I wish they would just see us first which allows us to better help them avoid their problems from becoming chronic.

I am sharing this with you so you can share it with others. If you know of someone with a problem or problems who may benefit from chiropractic care, they should read the article below. Hopefully, they can benefit from future chiropractic care. They, of course, must take the first step by booking on line or calling one of our two offices.

Do you have longstanding problems? Can I help?