Jul 8 2020 Sweden decided to stay open with its own covid19 approach. So far, this approach is not going so well according to the NY Times.
Jul 8 2020 Sore achy knees after running may be reduced by these simple exercises courtesy of Runners World.
Jul 8 2020 Foam rolling for runners is supported by research and Runners World, but are we doing it correctly?
Jun 30 2020 Do we live longer because of medical technology, or did our ancestors have a similar lifespan?
Jun 30 2020 Norway has opened their gyms and Covid19 where the virus is declining without a rise in infections. Gyms may be safer than we thought.
Jun 23 2020 The positive consequences of exercise; what a single exercise session does to your body according to the NY Times
Jun 4 2020 Do you need to be running with a mask? Social pressure and local ordinances may say yes but what does the science say?