Amenorrhea in female marathon runners; why is this a concern and what can you do about it.

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Amenorrhea in runners is a condition that causes missed periods.

Amenorrhea occurs when the fat level in the athlete gets too low. Since the hormone Estrogen is stored in fat, the lower the fat in the athlete, the lower the hormone level resulting in missed periods. The condition may be masked by birth control bills however, you are more likely to have an injury since you are taking in fewer calories than the body requires. This can also cause muscular destruction and you will be slower rather than faster which is an important consideration for any competitive runner.

Amenorrhea and other components of the triad frequently occur in rowers, dancers, gymnasts, and weightlifters, among others. Some experts suggest the condition can occur in close to 50% of high-level athletes.

Long term, the hormonal imbalances caused by the condition can affect calcium levels in your bones setting up a lifetime of future problems. Other problems that may result from Amenorrhea include thyroid problems and a poor response to growth hormone and cortisol levels resulting in muscular injuries. Other possible conditions include low blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, and electrolyte imbalances.

The solution is to adjust training, consume more fats, and improve your diet in balance with your training. The reduced amount of estrogen may also make it more difficult to become pregnant.

This article was originally featured in Runners World however, Pocket Worthy has its version of the article you can read without a subscription to the magazine. Check out the article below