Dr. Charschan receives a plaque and is honored at the USATF NJ 2017 banquet Saturday 1/21/2017 25 years of service as their medical director. As many runners who have participated in USATF (USA Track and Field) NJ, they may have met a doctor who has attended many of their events over the years. Dr. Charschan has worked behind the scenes to make sure many of the Track events that are run by USATF has medical coverage. Years ago, Dr. Charschan became certified in Sports Injuries and was trying to figure out where he fit the best in the world of chiropractic sport physicians. Most events back then had chiropractors who volunteered their time at different sporting events and most of the doctors had participants waiting to see the chiropractor. Sports chiropractic actually started in New Jersey and the first Sports Chiropractor was a PT/DC named Joseph Santiago. Since then, his sons and daughter have come chiropractors and Phil was the chiropractor at the Atlanta Olympics and has been involved in FICS, an international governing body for sports medicine. In 1992, USATF NJ did not have a medical director and allowed Dr. Charschan to help them out. He set up medical protocols, found them covering doctors, helped the different directors for the organization over the years, was and continues to be the attending health care provider for hundreds of track and cross country events over the years and today. On January 21st, USATF NJ honored Dr. Charschan for his dedication and service to the organization. Check out the video of Dr. Charschan’s brief acceptance speech.