A new exercise for plantar fasciitis may help you get relief faster says the NY Times

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A new exercise for plantar fasciitis may help you get relief faster says the NY Times

Plantar fasciitis can be quite frustrating and finding a healthcare provider who understands your problem and can help you get relief can be a challenge. The typical regimens of working on the foot, and ignoring body mechanics above the foot and leg are a fool’s errand. Most doctors recommend stretching and anti-inflammatory medication, which is ineffective but commonplace. Foot orthotics can be helpful in management but the typical person who experiences the problem is built asymmetrically, have core issues and is slamming their feet into the ground, and are constantly reintroducing the problem by the way we walk.

Solving the core problem helps most people resolve the problem, however, the symptoms of foot pain can continue to be intractable on some, even when their gait (the way they walk) may be improving and their pain level may have been reduced. Here is a previous article about Plantar Fasciitis you may want to read to understand the problem better https://www.backfixer1.com/blog/plantar-fasciitis-can-you-believe-everything-you-read-even-if-their-advice-is-in-a-major-well-respected-newspaper-dr-c-takes-on-ny-times-ask-well-column/

A new study written about in the NY Times may offer some ideas on how to reduce the symptoms of the condition. Check out the article here

Can I get relief from plantar fasciitis?

If you have stairs or a sturdy box in your home and a backpack, timely relief for plantar fasciitis may be possible, according to a new study of low-tech treatments for the condition.

Plantar fasciitis, the heel pain caused by irritation of the connective tissue on the bottom of the foot, can be lingering and intractable. A recent study of novice runners found that those who developed plantar fasciitis generally required at least five months to recover, and some remained sidelined for a year or more.

Until recently, first-line treatments involved stretching and anti-inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen or cortisone. But many scientists now believe that anti-inflammatories are unwarranted because the condition involves little inflammation. Stretching is still commonly recommended.

But the new study, published in August in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, finds that a single exercise could be even more effective. It requires standing barefoot on the affected leg on a stair or box, with a rolled-up towel resting beneath the toes of the sore foot and the heel extending over the edge of the stair or box. The unaffected leg should hang free, bent slightly at the knee.

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