Beware of the Horizon Blue Cross Advance plan, what you want is advantage. Many of you are being faced, as I am with having to renew your plan from the previous year to one of those on the exchanges in NJ. When you are looking for value, you want to make sure the plan meets your needs and covers the doctors and practices that you visit. One patient a month ago found out the hard way when comparing the new obamacare compatable Advance and Advantage plans. When she called, she was told our office was in the network, since we have participated in all of the Horizon Networks. It turned out that Horizon named two of their newer products with such similar names, that even Horizon’s programmers and staff got it wrong. Perhaps, they should have named them Horizon Advanced, and Horizon Basics would be more appropriate, descriptive and more consumer friendly. The Horizon Advantage plans offer a wide range of providers from numerous disciplines; the Advance plan is a quite limited HMO style plan that has limited reimbursement, limited chiropractic participation to two doctors per county while they closed out all other doctors who wanted to participate. Those who do use a chiropractor will find out that that plan has a very small level of reimbursement, high co pays and a limited network. Make sure you avoid this plan if you are a regular user of chiropractic services, since you will have little choice of whom you can visit. Choosing a new plan after you have been priced out of your older plan you had grown to trust is a frustrating experience. Be careful to examine all of the new plans details before you commit. If you are still confused, many insurance agents are happy to help you choose your next plan and advise you as to which plan offers the best value for the money. If you do not have an insurance agent, please ask us, since we have a couple that are knowledgeable and willing to help.