It’s allergy season; has anyone ever told you about Nettle, an effective way to relieve those symptoms naturally?

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It’s allergy season; has anyone ever told you about Nettle, an effective way to relieve those symptoms naturally?

It’s spring, the birds are chirping, the weather is warming, your car is covered in pollen and your eyes are watery with the effects of allergy season. Some of us experience this worse than others, and rely on products such as Sudafed or some of the many antihistamine’s that promise to relieve the sneezing, hay fever and watery eyes. They also come with some side effects such as dry mouth, loss of sleep (to keep you from getting drowsy, some use caffeine) and often, the day after you take the medication, you feel hung over sort of.

The good news, there has been a natural alternative all along you may not be aware of that is inexpensive, side effect free and works very reliably, while being safe. The supplement is called Nettle or stinging nettles. This has been used for years to relieve allergies and it even works for cold symptoms.

A few years ago, a patient who is a medical nutritionist told me about Nettle. I picked up a bottle and it sat in my cabinet for two years until one day, after blowing the leaves and suffering from an attack, I was out of Sudafed (my usual med) but I found the unopened bottle of Nettle. I took two caplets and within the hour, it was like I never had an attack and there was no side effect whatsoever.

Since then, I have used Nettle during the fall and spring and anytime I feel symptoms, two tablets almost always gives me fast relief and I have no side effects.

Since then, I have been recommending it to our patients and because they have given me great feedback about the results they get, we have begun distributing the Natures Way brand of nettle. The cost is less than a box of Sudafed, I sleep through the night when I am taking it and there is no feeling in the morning of being hung over even though I did not drink the night before.

Get Natures Way Nettle in both our offices for only $12 per bottle in both the Scotch Plains and No. Brunswick offices.