Failure to diagnose causes chronic pain to worsen. Do this instead.

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So many of us have chronic pain that has never been resolved or improved with the many tests, evaluations, and specialists we are referred to. Meanwhile, we become more chronic as the failure to properly diagnose results in more symptoms in different parts of the body. There is a better way through chiropractic care that is efficient, effective, and safe.

It is not uncommon for patients to tell me during our initial consultation about their main problem, the tests they have undergone, and the treatments they have endured for weeks or months, yet, they are in my office now for me to figure it out after so many healthcare providers have failed to help them.

My initial visit with all patients begins with discussing their current and past complaints. The immediate concern may be a painful shoulder or lower back or a knee problem. Still, during our chat, they may also tell me about their foot pain, ankle pain, occasional sciatic pain, and their other providers who have treated them.

The patient may believe that their herniated disc from years ago is again acting up, without realizing that over time many of these problems may have healed, yet, the mechanical cause of why they hurt was never understood or properly addressed. Often, their complaints when we add them up along with their history help us better evaluate them, more accurately diagnose them, and finally, markedly improve their condition.

Patients may tell me that their tendonitis, bursitis, or sciatic pain was diagnosed and treated with methods such as injection, therapies to the area to strengthen the area, or referrals to other specialists who may understand the inflammation and the medications they may have been taking. Often, the painful area and its diagnosis are about the symptoms being treated or relieved, rather than the problem being resolved.

Patients are often surprised by the types of questions I ask which may include questions such as

  1. Do your knees crack?
  2. How many children do they have and were the births traumatic or natural?
  3. Old injuries from years or decades ago.
  4. Sports played when they were younger.
  5. Old motor vehicle accidents.
  6. Their other doctors and how effective they were at helping them feel and function better.
  7. Their other diagnosis from other doctors and they tests such as MRI or CT scans they may have ordered and the reports which can often be downloaded within a couple of minutes from the facility that performed them.
  8. Medications they currently are taking.
  9. Do you have flat or high arches in your feet?

A thorough holistic history often will tell me what I should look for. Patients are often surprised to find out that the back problems they had for years were foot problems causing back pain. They are also surprised to find out that the multiple conditions they have been living with were all symptoms of mechanical function and that there was a common cause to all of their pain.

Our evaluation includes

  1. Orthopedic and neurological tests.
  2. Postural evaluation from the feet up.
  3. Explanations of what I found as I evaluate them.
  4. Functional tests to help them understand their symptoms while evaluating the cause of their problems.
  5. X-rays if needed.
  6. Foot orthotics if needed to correct a pelvic imbalance causing their problems.

Our office uses methods that have a proven track record of relieving pain including

  1. Manipulation of the spine and extremities.
  2. Myofascial release to improve function and movement of the joints before manipulation.
  3. Exercises to strengthen and improve how the areas that are causing the problems function. Patients are also given these exercises as a tool kit they can use for helping themselves when needed.
  4. Active evaluation using treat-test-treat protocols to test our effectiveness during that visit. This is becoming the gold standard for results-orientated care.

Rather than the multiple specialty model common in today’s large health conglomerates, our office takes a primary care approach to why you hurt. The doctor who evaluates you is the doctor who treats you and knows you.

This is different than the model many of us have experienced where you first go to urgent care, which gives you a cocktail for your pain that day but often misdiagnoses your problem. They will refer you to a specialist in their system who begins to pass you around while often not solving your problem simply. The longer it takes, the more chronic the problem becomes making it more chronic and often costly and difficult to treat.

Our approach to care is customized to you. We will order tests if necessary such as an MRI. The good news is, with proper diagnosis and care, most problems improve or resolve in a reasonable period as improve how you move feel, and function.

Chiropractic care is proven, safe and efficient. Need help today? Book online.