A recent article in Med Central shows muscle relaxants have no long-term benefit for most chronic pain syndromes. It seems that despite this data, prescriptions for the drugs are increasing, as they are with gabapentin, another drug with little data for effectiveness. Americans indeed take too many drugs and it is bad for our health. Has the practice of medicine learned nothing from the opioid crisis, which they caused? Most painful mechanical problems require a mechanical solution. Chiropractors are doctors who help improve how you move and function using mechanical means such as manipulation, myofascial release, and exercises that help prevent problems from becoming painful and chronic. The treatment is safe, has few side effects, and millions of patients benefit; If only their doctors would refer them sooner. The irony in this is that it seems that with medical practice, every condition requires a combination of drugs, procedures, and one-size-fits-all rehabilitation, and as people become more chronic, the local chiropractor often finds themselves trying to help the patient with their now chronic condition. Ironically, the chiropractic profession helps many of them improve and become self-sufficient, reducing their need for drugs or other interventions. You always have a choice. Chiropractic care has always been affordable and many patients who have poor coverage or are under Medicaid use their own money to pay for the care. Some patients are surprised at how well their insurance covers the cost of care, while others have large deductibles they must meet. The good news is, often the employer gives them a card they can use towards these costs to help them get care sooner. Who you choose first can determine your healthcare journey, costs, tests, and results. More patients visit chiropractors with chronic conditions after weeks or months of medication fails to help them. While medication may be helpful for the short term, a mechanical problem often will damage hips knees, and even shoulders years later. There is a better way and better choices, will be visible in your quality of life years later. Life is full of choices. Choose chiropractic first. If we determine that your problems require medical attention, we will refer you to someone who can help. We practice primary care for the musculoskeletal system. This is our specialty. Need help now? Book online today.