Healthcare quotes from Dr. C that should be famous.

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  • “Be careful of the gene pool you’ve been swimming in.”
  • “After being in healthcare all these years, if your doctor still has an ego, they’ve been doing it all wrong.”
  • “When doctors don’t know, they test (chiropractors included). When you do a more thorough history and exam, you know more and test less. This is why chiropractors order fewer costly tests; they are holistic which means they are thorough.”
    • “Chiropractors are primary care for the musculoskeletal system; nobody else signed up for the job but somebody has to do it.”
  • “Medical primary care doctors used to be the gatekeepers who kept us out of the system and handled the most common health care issues. Now, they are simply the referral person to the medical merry go round of specialists in the large systems.”
  • “Genetics is a cruel hoax on an unsuspecting public.”
  • “Chasing symptoms is a fool’s game, understanding the mechanism behind why you hurt solves painful problems.”
  • “You and gravity aren’t getting along so well, it all begins from the ground up.”
  • “We have all been adapting from the time we were born. Poor adaptations lead to painful problems later in life and is why chiropractors are here to help.”
  • “Life constantly will throw good and bad things at us; how we learn and handle those things defines us and shows personal growth.”
  • “Take care of the machine (your body), it will take care of you. Don’t take care of the machine; look out.”
  • “I’m just your humble public servant.”
  • “If I did my job well today helping you and showing you why you hurt today, perhaps you will look back 30 years from now and realize you are glad you met that guy.”
  • De nile is not only in the Middle East.
  • Where you hurt is not necessarily why you hurt. Your pain is the symptom, the problem causing the symptom is often elsewhere in your body. Connect the dots and solve your problem and many future problems may never happen.