Chiropractic for pain management on the rise according to recent JAMA study. Initial Findings in Recent Jama Article Indicate Use of Chiropractic for Pain Management Increased in 2022 A research letter published on January 25, 2024, in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), provides initial findings from the most recent (2022) survey on the use of complementary health approaches (CHA).1 The findings include data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), which conducts interviews both by phone and in-person and has been published in 2002, 2012, and again in 2022. Seven forms of complementary care are included in the latest study: chiropractic, acupuncture, guided imagery, massage therapy, meditation, naturopathy, and yoga. Questions on chiropractic care and meditation were consistently captured in 2002 and 2022. However, the questionnaire wording was substantially different in 2012, preventing comparisons with the 2002 or 2022 data. Millions of US adults use complementary health approaches (CHAs) each year. Previously, the safety and efficacy of many of these approaches lacked rigorous clinical trials. However, over the past two decades, increasing evidence has supported the safety and efficacy of selected approaches for pain management, including chiropractic. With the use of any form of CHA almost doubling (91% increase) during the 20-year period and the use of chiropractic care increasing by almost 50%, it is clear that the public’s health care preferences are shifting to less invasive forms of care that are not drug-dependent. (Source) Key takeaways: Use of any form of CHA increased from 19.2% of the U.S. population in 2002 to well over a third (36.7 %) of the population in 2022 (approximately 122.3 million adults). Use of any form of CHA for pain management also increased, from 42.3% in 2002 to just under half the population (49.2%) in 2022. For chiropractic patients, the use of chiropractic for pain management increased from approximately 78% in 2002 to 85.7% in 2022. What does this mean for the average person in pain? Patients are looking for non-medical methods of pain relief. As patients become more savvy about which methods they will use to feel and function better, they are increasingly choosing chiropractic care as the statistics show. They are also choosing to visit other non-medical providers as well. Growing research has shown that seeing a chiropractor first reduces costs, improves outcomes, and reduces unnecessary tests and doctor visits while reducing the dependence on medications that treat the symptoms but not the underlying reason patients hurt. Follow the research naturally; see a chiropractor first for pain relief. Need relief now? Book online here.