Eating these foods may reduce your blood pressure naturally.

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Eating these foods may reduce your blood pressure naturally.

About 45% of the US population has high blood pressure which increases the risk of heart attacks kidney failure and stroke according to the CDC.

Flavonols, which are found in many of the plant-based foods we eat include berries, wine, nuts, and cocoa.

According to a new study by the Medical Research Council and the National Institute for Health Research in the U.K. and Mars, the maker of M&M’s and other candy brands, the higher the blood pressure is, the more Flavonols may help lower it.

In other words, by adding these foods, you may be able to reduce your blood pressure naturally.

Check out this article in Today that explains this new research and how you can help yourself by making sure your diet has these foods in it.

New research finds certain foods and drinks may lower blood pressure

When it comes to better blood pressure, what you do eat (and drink) is as important as what you don’t.

By Karen Ansel, M.S., R.D.N. Nov. 10, 2020

About 45% of Americans have high blood pressure, or hypertension, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Yet only 1 in 4 has it under control, which leaves the majority at an increased risk of heart attack, stroke and kidney failure. Now, a new British study of 25,000 people reports that a diet rich in compounds called flavanols may help reduce blood pressure. And the higher a person’s blood pressure is, the more effective flavanols may be.

The study was funded by the Medical Research Council and the National Institute for Health Research in the U.K. and Mars, the maker of M&M’s and other candy brands. Mars is also the employer of two of the study authors.

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